The reason for this is that if someone, for example, a child, re-enters a vehicle after it has been put into reservation mode, there is a slight chance that the parking brake may be disengaged. If any of the doors in the vehicle are reopened after activating reservation mode, reservation mode will be cancelled, preventing the vehicle from being remote-started. Shortly thereafter, the engine will shut off, confirming that reservation mode has been set. The engine will continue to run, confirming that reservation mode is in the process of being activated Reservation mode is activated by doing all of the following: The purpose of reservation mode is to confirm that the vehicle is safe to remote start. In order to remote start a manual-transmission vehicle, the driver must activate “reservation mode”.

This allows the engine to be remote-started even without the driver’s foot on the clutch.Ĭompustar systems must be put into “reservation mode” to remote start. This connection simulates the electronic signal produced by the clutch pedal, normally a ground signal sent to the vehicle’s ignition system. When installing a Compustar remote starter on a manual-transmission vehicle, an additional clutch bypass connection is required.

Not sure what these terms mean? Keep on reading to learn more!Ĭompustar remote starters simulate the clutch pedal to remotely start the engine. This is accomplished via clutch bypass, reservation mode, and built-in safety features. While all of these concerns are valid, Compustar is one of the few brands of remote starters that CAN be safely added to almost any manual-transmission vehicle.

You may have heard the following 3 myths about installing remote start on manual transmission: But can you enjoy the benefits of remote start with a manual-transmission? Compustar remote starters provide best-in-class comfort by warming up your car in winter and cooling it down in summer.